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5 Responses

  1. Josh says:

    Wow! Wonderful. I love the zombies, and the waves, and the Universe Reboot button. Great cool colors throughout. Very somber.

    The break in the orange clouds to see the city below feels like God staring at his belly button.

  2. JoeyC says:

    The penultimate image is by Robert Parke-Harrison. He lives around here and I had the good fortune of sitting next to him at a dance performance. What a sweet guy. I like that the image is vague enough to either be a lanscape or a scalp. What’s the difference.

  3. Dono says:

    that’s so cool J- i LOVE that- I can’t remember where i found the image, but i’m going to go look him up now. i didn’t see it as a scalp until you said so- but once again you’ve cracked my mind open further- thank ya.

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